Here Is Where You Can Get The Awesome Cheats ! As Well As Some Fantastic Color Codes For Your Woozen's Outfits Or Units , We Have The Most Cheats/Codes Than Any Other Blog And All These Cheats/Codes Have Been Tested And They Work Fantasticly Perfectly
Amazing Cheats ! :
How To Do The Moonwalk
Step 1. Go Into The WoozWorld Chat Bar
Step 2. Type In /Moonwalk
Step 3. Press The Enter Key
Step 4. Press A Place To Walk
Result : You Just Did MoonWalk !
How To Do Fireball
Step 1. Go On Woozworld
Step 2. Press These Keys On Your Keyboard:
Up, Up, Down, Down
Step 3. Then Press The Letters: B A
Result: You Set Everyone On Fire And Did Fireball !
How To Do The Sidewalk
Step 1. Go To One Of Your Unitz On Woozworld
Step 2. Stand Somewhere Facing Foward
Step 3. Put A Tile Somewhere In The Line That Your On
Step 4. Click The Tile And As Your Walking Do Headshake Before You Get To It
Result: You Just Did The Sidewalk !
How To Pc People FAST
Step 1. Open Your Private Chat On Woozworld
Step 2. Type In /t Then The Person's Woozen Name Eg.: /t EveLuvzYew
Step 3. Type In The Message That You Want To Say (Eg. /t EveLuvzYew Hey)
Step 4. Press Enter :3 ! (Btw This Only Works If The Person is Online)
Result: You Just Private Chatted Someone FAST !
How To Mix And Match Clothing With A Spell Jobz
Step 1. Find A Friend With A Spell Job (Or Give Them A Spell Job)
Step 2. Count To 3 With Them
Step 3. When You Get to 3 She Puts Spell Job On You
And You Change Either Your Hair, Top, Pants Or Shoes.
Result: You Just Mixed And Matched A Piece Of Clothing With A Spell Job !
Fabulous Codes ! :
iridianlight | #6EFF70 | | salmon5 | #6F4242 | | dolphin | #6F7285 | |
gray44 | #707070 | | slategray (SVG) | #708090 | | slategrey (SVG) | #708090 | |
darkturquoise | #7093DB | | aquamarine | #70DB93 | | medium turquoise | #70DBDB | |
garden plum | #71637D | | sgislate blue | #7171C6 | | sgichartreuse | #71C671 | |
indigo tile | #72587F | | deepochre | #733D1A | | rawumber | #734A12 | |
gray45 | #737373 | | seurat blue | #739AC5 | | old copper | #73B1B7 | |
seaweed roll | #748269 | | blue ice | #74BBFB | | lavender field | #754C78 | |
gray46 | #757575 | | blue fern | #759B84 | | blueberry | #75A1D0 | |
chartreuse2 | #76EE00 | | aquamarine2 | #76EEC6 | | ganegreen (Hex3) | #777733 | |
lightslategrey (SVG Hex3) | #778899 | | lightslategray (SVG Hex3) | #778899 | | green goo | #77896C | |
gray47 | #787878 | | pumice | #78A489 | | pea | #78AB46 | |
pea | #79973F | | Coke bottle | #79A888 | | darkslategray3 | #79CDCD | |
medium orchid4 | #7A378B | | slateblue2 | #7A67EE | | gray48 | #7A7A7A | |
light cyan4 | #7A8B8B | | cat eye | #7AA9DD | | cadetblue3 | #7AC5CD | |
cinnamon | #7B3F00 | | mediumslateblue (SVG) | #7B68EE | | pickle | #7B7922 | |
green moth | #7BBF6A | | night vision | #7BCC70 | | palegreen3 | #7CCD7C | |
lawngreen (SVG) | #7CFC00 | | purple3 | #7D26CD | | gray49 | #7D7D7D | |
blue nile | #7D7F94 | | sgilight blue | #7D9EC0 | | forget me nots | #7EB6FF | |
skyblue2 | #7EC0EE | | medium slateblue2 | #7F00FF | | gray50 | #7F7F7F | |
flight jacket | #7F8778 | | kiwi | #7F9A65 | | chartreuse (SVG) | #7FFF00 | |
aquamarine (SVG) | #7FFFD4 | | maroon (16 SVG) | #800000 | | purple (16 SVG) | #800080 | |
brown | #802A2A | | olive (16 SVG) | #808000 | | warmgrey | #808069 | |
grey (16 SVG) | #808080 | | gray (16 SVG) | #808080 | | coldgrey | #808A87 | |
eggplant | #816687 | | wild violet | #820BBB | | gray51 | #828282 | |
blue mist | #82CFFD | | slateblue1 | #836FFF | | honeydew4 | #838B83 | |
azure4 | #838B8B | | nikko blue | #838EDE | | neon green | #83F52C | |
light slateblue | #8470FF | | frog | #84BE6A | | darkwood | #855E42 | |
dustyrose | #856363 | | gray52 | #858585 | | breadfruit | #859C27 | |
plum pudding | #862A51 | | 100 euro | #86C67C | | darkpurple | #871F78 | |
raspberry | #872657 | | brownochre | #87421F | | gray53 | #878787 | |
skyblue (SVG) | #87CEEB | | lightskyblue (SVG) | #87CEFA | | skyblue1 | #87CEFF | |
blue cow | #88ACE0 | | medium purple3 | #8968CD | | blueviolet (SVG) | #8A2BE2 | |
burntumber | #8A3324 | | burntsienna | #8A360F | | gray54 | #8A8A8A | |
green quartz | #8AA37B | | darkred (SVG) | #8B0000 | | darkmagenta (SVG) | #8B008B | |
deeppink4 | #8B0A50 | | firebrick4 | #8B1A1A | | maroon4 | #8B1C62 | |
violetred4 | #8B2252 | | brown4 | #8B2323 | | brown1 | #8B2500 | |
tomato4 | #8B3626 | | indianred4 | #8B3A3A | | hotpink4 | #8B3A62 | |
coral4 | #8B3E2F | | darkorange4 | #8B4500 | | saddlebrown (SVG) | #8B4513 | |
sienna4 | #8B4726 | | palevioletred4 | #8B475D | | orchid4 | #8B4789 | |
salmon4 | #8B4C39 | | light salmon4 | #8B5742 | | orange4 | #8B5A00 | |
tan4 | #8B5A2B | | light pink4 | #8B5F65 | | pink4 | #8B636C | |
darkgoldenrod4 | #8B6508 | | plum4 | #8B668B | | goldenrod4 | #8B6914 | |
rosybrown4 | #8B6969 | | burlywood4 | #8B7355 | | gold4 | #8B7500 | |
peachpuff4 | #8B7765 | | navajowhite4 | #8B795E | | thistle4 | #8B7B8B | |
bisque4 | #8B7D6B | | mistyrose4 | #8B7D7B | | wheat4 | #8B7E66 | |
light goldenrod4 | #8B814C | | antiquewhite4 | #8B8378 | | lavenderblush4 | #8B8386 | |
khaki4 | #8B864E | | seashell4 | #8B8682 | | cornsilk4 | #8B8878 | |
lemonchiffon4 | #8B8970 | | snow4 | #8B8989 | | yellow4 | #8B8B00 | |
light yellow4 | #8B8B7A | | ivory4 | #8B8B83 | | martini olive | #8BA446 | |
soylent green | #8BA870 | | scarlet | #8C1717 | | bronze | #8C7853 | |
gray55 | #8C8C8C | | green soap | #8CDD81 | | light skyblue3 | #8DB6CD | |
darkslategray2 | #8DEEEE | | firebrick5 | #8E2323 | | maroon6 | #8E236B | |
sgibeet | #8E388E | | sienna | #8E6B23 | | sgiolivedrab | #8E8E38 | |
cadetblue2 | #8EE5EE | | violet | #8F5E99 | | gray56 | #8F8F8F | |
light steelblue | #8F8FBC | | green cheese | #8FA880 | | darkseagreen (SVG) | #8FBC8F | |
light blue | #8FD8D8 | | light green (SVG) | #90EE90 | | cool mint | #90FEFB | |
cobaltvioletdeep | #91219E | | purple2 | #912CEE | | gray57 | #919191 | |
LCD back | #91B49C | | pastel green | #92CCA6 | | mediumpurple (SVG) | #9370DB | |
greenyellow | #93DB70 | | darkviolet (SVG) | #9400D3 | | gray58 | #949494 | |
marsorange | #964514 | | gray59 | #969696 | | eton blue | #96C8A2 | |
paleturquoise3 | #96CDCD | | darktan | #97694F | | darkslategray1 | #97FFFF | |
avocado | #98A148 | | cadetblue1 | #98F5FF | | palegreen (SVG) | #98FB98 | |
truepurple (Safe Hex3) | #990099 | | bordeaux | #99182C | | darkorchid (SVG) | #9932CC | |
darkorchid | #9932CD | | chocolate (Safe Hex3) | #993300 | | gray60 (Safe Hex3) | #999999 | |
Color Name | Hex Code
RGB | Decimal Code
Reds |
IndianRed | CD5C5C | 205,92,92 |
LightCoral | F08080 | 240,128,128 |
Salmon | FA8072 | 250,128,114 |
DarkSalmon | E9967A | 233,150,122 |
LightSalmon | FFA07A | 255,160,122 |
Crimson | DC143C | 220,20,60 |
Red | FF0000 | 255,0,0 |
FireBrick | B22222 | 178,34,34 |
DarkRed | 8B0000 | 139,0,0 |
Pinks |
Pink | FFC0CB | 255,192,203 |
LightPink | FFB6C1 | 255,182,193 |
HotPink | FF69B4 | 255,105,180 |
DeepPink | FF1493 | 255,20,147 |
MediumVioletRed | C71585 | 199,21,133 |
PaleVioletRed | DB7093 | 219,112,147 |
Oranges |
LightSalmon | FFA07A | 255,160,122 |
Coral | FF7F50 | 255,127,80 |
Tomato | FF6347 | 255,99,71 |
OrangeRed | FF4500 | 255,69,0 |
DarkOrange | FF8C00 | 255,140,0 |
Orange | FFA500 | 255,165,0 |
Yellows |
Gold | FFD700 | 255,215,0 |
Yellow | FFFF00 | 255,255,0 |
LightYellow | FFFFE0 | 255,255,224 |
LemonChiffon | FFFACD | 255,250,205 |
LightGoldenrodYellow | FAFAD2 | 250,250,210 |
PapayaWhip | FFEFD5 | 255,239,213 |
Moccasin | FFE4B5 | 255,228,181 |
PeachPuff | FFDAB9 | 255,218,185 |
PaleGoldenrod | EEE8AA | 238,232,170 |
Khaki | F0E68C | 240,230,140 |
DarkKhaki | BDB76B | 189,183,107 |
Purples |
Lavender | E6E6FA | 230,230,250 |
Thistle | D8BFD8 | 216,191,216 |
Plum | DDA0DD | 221,160,221 |
Violet | EE82EE | 238,130,238 |
Orchid | DA70D6 | 218,112,214 |
Fuchsia | FF00FF | 255,0,255 |
Magenta | FF00FF | 255,0,255 |
MediumOrchid | BA55D3 | 186,85,211 |
MediumPurple | 9370DB | 147,112,219 |
Amethyst | 9966CC | 153,102,204 |
BlueViolet | 8A2BE2 | 138,43,226 |
DarkViolet | 9400D3 | 148,0,211 |
DarkOrchid | 9932CC | 153,50,204 |
DarkMagenta | 8B008B | 139,0,139 |
Purple | 800080 | 128,0,128 |
Indigo | 4B0082 | 75,0,130 |
SlateBlue | 6A5ACD | 106,90,205 |
DarkSlateBlue | 483D8B | 72,61,139 |
MediumSlateBlue | 7B68EE | 123,104,238 |
Color Name | Hex Code
RGB | Decimal Code
Greens |
GreenYellow | ADFF2F | 173,255,47 |
Chartreuse | 7FFF00 | 127,255,0 |
LawnGreen | 7CFC00 | 124,252,0 |
Lime | 00FF00 | 0,255,0 |
LimeGreen | 32CD32 | 50,205,50 |
PaleGreen | 98FB98 | 152,251,152 |
LightGreen | 90EE90 | 144,238,144 |
MediumSpringGreen | 00FA9A | 0,250,154 |
SpringGreen | 00FF7F | 0,255,127 |
MediumSeaGreen | 3CB371 | 60,179,113 |
SeaGreen | 2E8B57 | 46,139,87 |
ForestGreen | 228B22 | 34,139,34 |
Green | 008000 | 0,128,0 |
DarkGreen | 006400 | 0,100,0 |
YellowGreen | 9ACD32 | 154,205,50 |
OliveDrab | 6B8E23 | 107,142,35 |
Olive | 808000 | 128,128,0 |
DarkOliveGreen | 556B2F | 85,107,47 |
MediumAquamarine | 66CDAA | 102,205,170 |
DarkSeaGreen | 8FBC8F | 143,188,143 |
LightSeaGreen | 20B2AA | 32,178,170 |
DarkCyan | 008B8B | 0,139,139 |
Teal | 008080 | 0,128,128 |
Blues/Cyans |
Aqua | 00FFFF | 0,255,255 |
Cyan | 00FFFF | 0,255,255 |
LightCyan | E0FFFF | 224,255,255 |
PaleTurquoise | AFEEEE | 175,238,238 |
Aquamarine | 7FFFD4 | 127,255,212 |
Turquoise | 40E0D0 | 64,224,208 |
MediumTurquoise | 48D1CC | 72,209,204 |
DarkTurquoise | 00CED1 | 0,206,209 |
CadetBlue | 5F9EA0 | 95,158,160 |
SteelBlue | 4682B4 | 70,130,180 |
LightSteelBlue | B0C4DE | 176,196,222 |
PowderBlue | B0E0E6 | 176,224,230 |
LightBlue | ADD8E6 | 173,216,230 |
SkyBlue | 87CEEB | 135,206,235 |
LightSkyBlue | 87CEFA | 135,206,250 |
DeepSkyBlue | 00BFFF | 0,191,255 |
DodgerBlue | 1E90FF | 30,144,255 |
CornflowerBlue | 6495ED | 100,149,237 |
MediumSlateBlue | 7B68EE | 123,104,238 |
RoyalBlue | 4169E1 | 65,105,225 |
Blue | 0000FF | 0,0,255 |
MediumBlue | 0000CD | 0,0,205 |
DarkBlue | 00008B | 0,0,139 |
Navy | 000080 | 0,0,128 |
MidnightBlue | 191970 | 25,25,112 |
Color Name | Hex Code
RGB | Decimal Code
Browns |
Cornsilk | FFF8DC | 255,248,220 |
BlanchedAlmond | FFEBCD | 255,235,205 |
Bisque | FFE4C4 | 255,228,196 |
NavajoWhite | FFDEAD | 255,222,173 |
Wheat | F5DEB3 | 245,222,179 |
BurlyWood | DEB887 | 222,184,135 |
Tan | D2B48C | 210,180,140 |
RosyBrown | BC8F8F | 188,143,143 |
SandyBrown | F4A460 | 244,164,96 |
Goldenrod | DAA520 | 218,165,32 |
DarkGoldenrod | B8860B | 184,134,11 |
Peru | CD853F | 205,133,63 |
Chocolate | D2691E | 210,105,30 |
SaddleBrown | 8B4513 | 139,69,19 |
Sienna | A0522D | 160,82,45 |
Brown | A52A2A | 165,42,42 |
Maroon | 800000 | 128,0,0 |
Whites |
White | FFFFFF | 255,255,255 |
Snow | FFFAFA | 255,250,250 |
Honeydew | F0FFF0 | 240,255,240 |
MintCream | F5FFFA | 245,255,250 |
Azure | F0FFFF | 240,255,255 |
AliceBlue | F0F8FF | 240,248,255 |
GhostWhite | F8F8FF | 248,248,255 |
WhiteSmoke | F5F5F5 | 245,245,245 |
Seashell | FFF5EE | 255,245,238 |
Beige | F5F5DC | 245,245,220 |
OldLace | FDF5E6 | 253,245,230 |
FloralWhite | FFFAF0 | 255,250,240 |
Ivory | FFFFF0 | 255,255,240 |
AntiqueWhite | FAEBD7 | 250,235,215 |
Linen | FAF0E6 | 250,240,230 |
LavenderBlush | FFF0F5 | 255,240,245 |
MistyRose | FFE4E1 | 255,228,225 |
Greys |
Gainsboro | DCDCDC | 220,220,220 |
LightGrey | D3D3D3 | 211,211,211 |
Silver | C0C0C0 | 192,192,192 |
DarkGray | A9A9A9 | 169,169,169 |
Gray | 808080 | 128,128,128 |
DimGray | 696969 | 105,105,105 |
LightSlateGray | 778899 | 119,136,153 |
SlateGray | 708090 | 112,128,144 |
DarkSlateGray | 2F4F4F | 47,79,79 |
Black | 000000 | 0,0,0 |
Web Safe Colors
Below is a chart covering the 216 hexidecimal color values from the web safe palette. Use this chart if you prefer to use colors from the web safe palette.
#FFFFFF | #FFFFCC | #FFFF99 | #FFFF66 | #FFFF33 | #FFFF00 |
#FFCCFF | #FFCCCC | #FFCC99 | #FFCC66 | #FFCC33 | #FFCC00 |
#FF99FF | #FF99CC | #FF9999 | #FF9966 | #FF9933 | #FF9900 |
#FF66FF | #FF66CC | #FF6699 | #FF6666 | #FF6633 | #FF6600 |
#FF33FF | #FF33CC | #FF3399 | #FF3366 | #FF3333 | #FF3300 |
#FF00FF | #FF00CC | #FF0099 | #FF0066 | #FF0033 | #FF0000 |
#CCFFFF | #CCFFCC | #CCFF99 | #CCFF66 | #CCFF33 | #CCFF00 |
#CCCCFF | #CCCCCC | #CCCC99 | #CCCC66 | #CCCC33 | #CCCC00 |
#CC99FF | #CC99CC | #CC9999 | #CC9966 | #CC9933 | #CC9900 |
#CC66FF | #CC66CC | #CC6699 | #CC6666 | #CC6633 | #CC6600 |
#CC33FF | #CC33CC | #CC3399 | #CC3366 | #CC3333 | #CC3300 |
#CC00FF | #CC00CC | #CC0099 | #CC0066 | #CC0033 | #CC0000 |
#99FFFF | #99FFCC | #99FF99 | #99FF66 | #99FF33 | #99FF00 |
#99CCFF | #99CCCC | #99CC99 | #99CC66 | #99CC33 | #99CC00 |
#9999FF | #9999CC | #999999 | #999966 | #999933 | #999900 |
#9966FF | #9966CC | #996699 | #996666 | #996633 | #996600 |
#9933FF | #9933CC | #993399 | #993366 | #993333 | #993300 |
#9900FF | #9900CC | #990099 | #990066 | #990033 | #990000 |
#66FFFF | #66FFCC | #66FF99 | #66FF66 | #66FF33 | #66FF00 |
#66CCFF | #66CCCC | #66CC99 | #66CC66 | #66CC33 | #66CC00 |
#6699FF | #6699CC | #669999 | #669966 | #669933 | #669900 |
#6666FF | #6666CC | #666699 | #666666 | #666633 | #666600 |
#6633FF | #6633CC | #663399 | #663366 | #663333 | #663300 |
#6600FF | #6600CC | #660099 | #660066 | #660033 | #660000 |
#33FFFF | #33FFCC | #33FF99 | #33FF66 | #33FF33 | #33FF00 |
#33CCFF | #33CCCC | #33CC99 | #33CC66 | #33CC33 | #33CC00 |
#3399FF | #3399CC | #339999 | #339966 | #339933 | #339900 |
#3366FF | #3366CC | #336699 | #336666 | #336633 | #336600 |
#3333FF | #3333CC | #333399 | #333366 | #333333 | #333300 |
#3300FF | #3300CC | #330099 | #330066 | #330033 | #330000 |
#00FFFF | #00FFCC | #00FF99 | #00FF66 | #00FF33 | #00FF00 |
#00CCFF | #00CCCC | #00CC99 | #00CC66 | #00CC33 | #00CC00 |
#0099FF | #0099CC | #009999 | #009966 | #009933 | #009900 |
#0066FF | #0066CC | #006699 | #006666 | #006633 | #006600 |
#0033FF | #0033CC | #003399 | #003366 | #003333 | #003300 |
#0000FF | #0000CC | #000099 | #000066 | #000033 | #000000 |
Enjoy ! xx
Love this site, you guys helped me find the perfect color for my eyes on Woozworld, I love it! :3
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